Angelina Salinas
Ladies first. This phrase is commonly used on daily basis, but its relevance to the team is particularly authentic. Born in Mexico, Miss Salinas is a true depiction of a receipe for success. After finishing her Bachelor’s degree in Business and marketing she became a Science and English teacher for the last 4 years. She also works on Marketing Projects on her own. Even during her university level Lady A (as we affectionately refer to her) has always been a force to reckon, passing with flying colors from year one to final year for her university studies. Success is part of what truly define the Mexican born leader. In the blog she is the graphics and technical chief. She is also our campaigning and marketing personel as she is spear- heading advertisement and promoting our services to internet users throughout the world. She is actually the heart beat if the website. Lady A is currently staying with her parents, twin sister and younger brother in Mexico where she is working.
David Benjamin
If you have always heard about stories and myths of individuals who have special abilities in dealing with numbers, working with Dave will make you appreciate for the first time that some people are indeed talented in Mathematics, and it’s a fact. A process engineer at Debswana (diamond mining giant, which is 50% Botswana Government and 50% DeBeers), Dave holds a Master of Engineering degree from University of Leeds in the UK in Metallurgical engineering. Upon graduating he was awarded a prestigious award by the University for Excellence. Prior to that Dave enrolled with University of Botswana and transferred to the UK where he completed his Honors degree and proceeded to masters degree. His academic prowess is what fascinates many about this easy- going hard worker. In our team, Dave is our finance chief. He is responsible for revenue monitoring, analysis, predictions and advices. He also assists Lady A on technical issues relating to our website. Dave is currently living in Orapa, Botswana and working with Debswana mines in the diamond industry.
Abednico Montshiwa
Some people believe that leaders are not born, they become and others reverse the statement. However you view it Abed is a true leader in his own rights. This is the man who believes in discussion, collaboration and working in peace to achieve specific goals. Currently, the only student in the team, Abed holds Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from University of Botswana and currently persuing a Master degree in Urban construction and Environmental Engineering in the Peoples Republic of China. Prior to that Abed worked as a teaching Assistant at University of Botswana (Department of Environmental Science) for 2 years. He is the team’s chief writer, his responsibility includes ensuring continued web publication, motivating the team and offering suggestions on issues related to weekly postings. He is also working hand in hand with Lady A in marketing and advertising the group to internet users. Abed is currently leaving in Chongqing, China as a student under the Chinese Scholarship programme.
NB: The team hopes to have their final member joining them early next year (2011) and details will be communicated in due time to valued web- visitors.
They say every organism has a survival secret which is embedded into its adaptation strategy so are we. Since our inception in April, we have not only kept the momentum and met expectation from our visitors, but we have heightened the pace and have been working tirelessly to continuously upgrade output.
We currently live in 3 different continents (Lady A in North America, Dave in Africa and Abed in Asia), so taking time difference in to account, we have the capacity to work 24 hours non- stop. This has boosted us and acted as leverage to cover a lot of work in a very short period of time.
What is more interesting is that our publications directly reflect different cultures and ideologies, so our communiqué represents concerns and issues of our world today. From Asian use of Chopsticks through Africa’s diverse natural resources, covering Europe’s fast life style (where Dave studied), and landing in America’s most fascinating beaches. We can confidently say, we are experienced in human welfare and have facts about humans’ habits on the ground.
Since we do this out of passion and on part time basis, it is always a challenge to deliver high quality output. However, our web visitors can attest to the fact that we are doing beyond expectation and two words can account for these; Team Work.