In all the creation of God, in its fullness, man was created in a special way and superiority over other of God’s creation was his creation rights. This is demonstrated in the word of God when God gave him authority over everything he was created with (though chronologically, a young specie).
Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26 ‘Then God said let us make man in our own image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground’ NIV
It is with no wonder today that man can do almost everything he dreams about, we hear of scientific discoveries everyday and man’s ability to get to the bottom of things is amazing. Consider the science of medicine; the technology is so advanced so much that each and every organ in a human body can be monitored to a point that the monitoring devices can predict a life span of a patient! This shows how much powerful man has become, and all this is traced back to the time of creation. It’s the way God intended it to be. We were given so much authority.
I really like the biblical illustration of how issues of power and authority are carefully approached. The core moral is through the process of collaboration. Collaboration and cooperation has been rudimentary to the nature in which God works. The bible clearly states in Genesis 1 vs. 26 (above).
I know there are many insights the scripture gives but my interest is where God said let US….. That was at a point when God stopped to say, let there be this and that… as previously mentioned during creation. God had to seat on a discussion room, take opinions from Him as a threefold being. God made sure that during man’s creation all interest of his wholeness in His 3 form were taken care of. A scenario that do not only depict the sensitiveness of man’s creation before Him as God, but also with a strong message that issue of paramount significance (in this case power and authority) needs significant numerical representation because such issues, by nature and otherwise are bigger than a single entity, no matter how strong such an entity maybe. It humbles to see God Himself contacting, discussing and opening up for opinions even when he is all knowing, logically needing no advice or suggestion as an all perfect God.
Humans have adopted this demonstration by introducing the term ‘democracy’ in the governance system when deciding who is more powerful in the land or nation; this is so because we concur that for power to be given to an individual there should be discussions and numerical recognition. (This is decided on ballots, during elections by the world system) Perhaps, we can understand why powerful people always move around with a group of people around them. It’s all borrowed from the bible. However, humans style, though suppose to represent the way of God’s operation is lacking in most of spiritual merits. We will discuss that at length on Authority Part 2

Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26 ‘Then God said let us make man in our own image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground’ NIV
It is with no wonder today that man can do almost everything he dreams about, we hear of scientific discoveries everyday and man’s ability to get to the bottom of things is amazing. Consider the science of medicine; the technology is so advanced so much that each and every organ in a human body can be monitored to a point that the monitoring devices can predict a life span of a patient! This shows how much powerful man has become, and all this is traced back to the time of creation. It’s the way God intended it to be. We were given so much authority.
I really like the biblical illustration of how issues of power and authority are carefully approached. The core moral is through the process of collaboration. Collaboration and cooperation has been rudimentary to the nature in which God works. The bible clearly states in Genesis 1 vs. 26 (above).
I know there are many insights the scripture gives but my interest is where God said let US….. That was at a point when God stopped to say, let there be this and that… as previously mentioned during creation. God had to seat on a discussion room, take opinions from Him as a threefold being. God made sure that during man’s creation all interest of his wholeness in His 3 form were taken care of. A scenario that do not only depict the sensitiveness of man’s creation before Him as God, but also with a strong message that issue of paramount significance (in this case power and authority) needs significant numerical representation because such issues, by nature and otherwise are bigger than a single entity, no matter how strong such an entity maybe. It humbles to see God Himself contacting, discussing and opening up for opinions even when he is all knowing, logically needing no advice or suggestion as an all perfect God.
Humans have adopted this demonstration by introducing the term ‘democracy’ in the governance system when deciding who is more powerful in the land or nation; this is so because we concur that for power to be given to an individual there should be discussions and numerical recognition. (This is decided on ballots, during elections by the world system) Perhaps, we can understand why powerful people always move around with a group of people around them. It’s all borrowed from the bible. However, humans style, though suppose to represent the way of God’s operation is lacking in most of spiritual merits. We will discuss that at length on Authority Part 2
Hey Abe am blessed and I am anticipating part two.God bless u my dear as you bless the nations by the powerful WORD.