Abed Montshiwa, Proud Motswana currently persuing a Master degree in Urban construction and Environmental Engineering in Chongqing, China - Dawn Cometh Team Member
‘The stone that the builders rejected became the corner stone’

Evident enough, Jesus was a story teller and I was thinking how about taking a moment of refreshment and tell a story. We have been discussing deep issues, frankly speaking, more serious kind of stuff, which many times than not always end with self introspection! am I doing it right? Am I a real good lad? For today, lets say, we need a break and lets gather by the fire side, have some coffee, pop corns , unfold our stretchers, lean back and enjoy ourselves. Oh, by the way it will be pleasant if couples, wives and husbands, brothers and sisters take a moment to just socialize and yeah, questions and discussions will be allowed! You got it right, be free to stop him and have facts clear. Here we go!
With a population of around 111 million people Mexico is known as a tourism hub the world over, each year, millions of people fly to this magnificent tourism center on vacation and leisure. But apart from tourism, it is known to have some of the wisest man in human history, and the story centralizes around our great grandfather Rodrick (not his real name) to share with us the story he likes the most. He starts...

‘When paper money was invented, people were just fascinated at the idea. Many people sold their assets just to get a handle of this well inscribed piece of a processed wood! However, since the idea was new, people, myself included struggled to conceptualize the whole thing’ The old Rodrick has just started. ‘So, during those confusing years of international trade revolution, people thought that a new note, had more value than an old one, let me explain, we thought a new $10 was more valuable than an old $10 note and everyone wanted to posses new notes! You can imagine the fiasco and drama that took place as everyone wrestled with any financial institutions when given old rugged notes’ continued grandpa. Oh...before he continues let me make an announcement, I hear that corns are ready and the coffee is on the offer, please help yourselves guys. Back to you granny. ‘Everything became stagnant, people held tightly to new notes, and that crippled trade. Actually, the world economy suffered a clear sign of ignorance until more light was shared to people and they opened up and as they say the rest is history, money is money. Value, as we know is the same among notes of the same wavelength; therefore value is a function of the label depicted on the note. I will cut the story short fellas because I have to sleep. This body is tired, but let me communicate the moral of this story’ said our man of the moment.
‘I don’t know what note you are, May be you are a new note, or an old one. May be you have exchanged many hands, with some of your custodians been rough. You might have been abused, bruised, emotionally and otherwise. People may be by- passing you in search of so called new notes. You are probably greasy, dirty and scratched but one thing is true. Your value does not change as you get bruised! You can change in appearance as you are malnourished and in hunger. You may be depressed because he left you for Lina, you may be degraded because your marriage is falling apart. Despite your effort to integrate in the community, you remain a social reject! But I have good news for you today, you posses the same value as that most sought after sister. You deserve as much good as everyone. You are a peculiar generation, made in the image of God, for His purpose and in His will. You can buy anything anyone can buy! We don’t throw an old note, do we? Don’t listen to their lies anymore! Tell them, it’s all about value than appearance or history! Better tell them, may value label will change from single digit to more than 5 digits soon!
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